Digital Strategy Advisory
What is digital strategy advisory?

A digital strategy advisor or consultant helps translate your business strategy and goals into a digital marketing strategy. As a business owner, you are an expert on how to make products or provide useful services for your customers. Marketing is about creating awareness, make your audience consider and then buy your product. It’s also about retaining your hard-won customers and creating advocates out of them so they spread the word about your offering.

Reaching customers has become a challenge with the proliferation of channels. Your customers are on social media, reading news, listening to music, watching videos. You need an expert who can first identify the right target audience for your business and then help choose the most effective channels to speak with them.

What are the benefits of hiring a digital strategy advisor?

1. Better results: A professional with the right experience will help create plans that will produce better returns on your investment. You could always try doing it on your own and you may have already tried but the investment in an advisor will cut down on mistakes.

2. Innovative Ideas: An advisor usually has worked on various categories, and he can bring that to bear on your task and come up with ideas that may add huge value to your business.

3. Establish KPIs for your business: We know that what gets measured, gets done. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) is critical. Understanding the marketing objective for your business and creating the right measurement indicators is critical for success. If your business needs awareness, you may need to make unique visitors to your website a key indicator. However, if your current need is to generate leads and converting to paying customers, cost of acquisition (CAC) could be the one to watch.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Management & Creatives

“Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.”

— Matt Goulart, Founder, Ignite Digital

What is social media marketing?

In simple terms, social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience with the objective to promote your brand, improve sales, and drive website traffic. This is done by creating compelling content for your social media profiles, listening to and connecting with your followers, analysing your outcomes, and running social media campaigns. There are two primary skill sets needed – managing the various accounts (planning, scheduling, posting, reporting) and creating ads based on a calendar created by the social media manager.

What are the benefits of social media marketing?

1. Brands can use social media marketing to increase awareness about their products and services.

2. These platforms can be used to generate leads and eventually convert them.

3. It’s important to study customer reaction and accordingly make changes. Social media platforms are a good place to connect with current and prospective customers and understand their motivations, feedback etc.

4. Not only focusing on customers is important, but it’s equally important to monitor what competitors are doing. Social media is a good place to study the same.

What is performance marketing?

Performance marketing refers to online marketing and advertising initiatives in which advertisers are only charged when a certain action is taken by the user. A generated lead, a sale, a click, and other activities are examples of these actions. Because all initiatives are highly targeted, and marketers make data-driven decisions and optimise their campaigns based on the results, performance marketing campaigns have a higher success rate.

What are the benefits of performance marketing?

1. Performance marketing generates a high return on investment if done scientifically. You can monitor results in real time, alter or reallocate your budget as needed, and even stop campaigns entirely to avoid overpaying for ineffective efforts in performance marketing.

2. Performance marketing is a multifaceted marketing strategy. When one channel fails, you can simply switch to another that will work more effectively.

3. A well-executed performance marketing strategy can help you reach a large set of targeted defined consumer groups.

4. Performance marketing lets you pay only when your desired action or goal is achieved, rather than charging you a set fee in advance.

What is website design?

The word "web design" is usually used to refer to the design process for a website's front-end (client side) design, which includes markup writing. In the creation and management of websites, web design involves a wide range of expertise. Web graphic design, user interface design (UI design), user experience design (UX design), and search engine optimization are all components of web design.

What is website development?

Website development refers to the process of designing, developing, and maintaining websites. Web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management are all included. Web development encompasses everything from simple text pages to large web-based apps, social network applications, and e-commerce systems.

What are the benefits of web design and development?

1. Designing and developing websites makes the user experience better by improving page speed, including navigation friendly features.

2. It helps in ranking websites higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

3. Bounce rate reduces and online browsing experiences improves for customers.


“Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.”

— Ann Handley

What is content writing?

The process of planning, writing, and editing web content, for digital marketing objectives, is known as content writing. Writing blogs and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts, and content for various platforms, are all examples of this. For a variety of reasons, marketers and business owners post content, or copy, on the internet. They might want to enhance website traffic or notify their clients about a new product or service.

What are the benefits of content writing?

1. Content writing helps in boosting SEO by writing keyword rich content.

2. Writing good content about the products and services offered can help in boosting sales.

3. It also helps in maintaining a consistent voice across websites and other digital marketing content to establish a strong brand image in your clients' eyes.

4. Content is a good way to get customers back on the website. Content that can be consumed at regular intervals, such as a newsletter, weekly blog updates, or even new information on your website about the things you sell, gives viewers a cause to return on a frequent basis.

5. It also helps to reach newer and broader sets of audiences.

What is SEO?

In the world we live today, when anyone is looking for something, the chances are they will go online and search for it. So, if you are a business selling that something you want your product/service to show up in the search results. There are two ways to make this happen – organically or inorganically. The former means your offering shows up naturally in the search results and the latter is when you run a paid ad to show up when your product category is being searched for. As is obvious, organic results don’t cost you, inorganic ones, do.

Naturally businesses want their products to show up organically but then there are possibly tens or even hundreds of competitors. How do we make our products show up ahead of others? By search engine optimisation.

What are the benefits of SEO?

1. Quality: The search engine’s reputation depends on producing the best results for the user’s query. If your offering shows up organically (remember you can’t pay to improve how high your service/product is listed), the chances are what you are selling is a very good match for what is being searched for.

2. Quantity: As the match via SEO is usually very good, chances of the user visiting your website improves dramatically and you can expect a steady flow of qualified leads if your offering consistently ranks higher on the search results.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is using email to promote a company’s services or products to prospective or existing customers. The purpose could be to create awareness, build interest, sell something new, or to increase loyalty.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

1. One-on-one: If done well, email marketing can be very effective as a business can speak directly to a prospect or customer (as different from taking an ad in a newspaper or running display ads on various websites)

2. Personalised: As the communication is one-on-one, a business can personalise their messages by dividing their email lists into groups that share similar needs.

3. Cost effective: For businesses where email is a relevant marketing tool, the return on investment can be better than other marketing channels.