We started Your Marketing List (YML) with a very open mind and a simple website. It was our decision that that we will use the initial few months to primarily listen to our customers, learn from them and understand their specific requirements. We took this approach in an effort to get our product-market fit right. Having made some progress in this area, we next decided to focus on positioning YML. In this article, we are sharing with you our approach to arrive at the right positioning for our digital marketing services. Trust this will serve as a beginners guide to how to position your brand.
What is Positioning?
When we discussed about positioning amongst us, we found that we had different views about this topic. We felt that we needed to learn more about positioning. We also required a common understanding amongst us as to how we will conduct a positioning exercise for YML.
After a quick search, we identified April Dunford’s book “Obviously Awesome” as our positioning bible and studied it carefully. We learnt the following:
- Positioning defines how your product is a leader at delivering something that a well-defined set of customers cares a lot about.
- Positioning is like context-setting for products. Properly positioning your product in a market can orient customers and convey a lot of valuable information including:
- who does your product compete with
- what features should your product have
- who is the target customer for your product, and even things like
- what should the product cost.
There are 5 components of effective positioning as shown below.

Now that we have an understanding of positioning, let us focus on how to position your brand.
How to Position Your Brand – YML’s Approach
We analyzed the 5 components of April Dunford’s positioning process and came up with the following approach for YML to position its brand.
- Competitive alternatives: What would customers do if YML didn’t exist? Our customers have the following competitive options:
- Contact a “Freelancer” through a reference
- Approach a “Digital Marketing Agency” through a reference
- Go to a “Marketplace” like Freelancer.com, Fiverr and Upwork
- Search on Google for a “Digital Marketing Agency”
- Unique attributes: What does YML have that alternatives do not have? These are the features and capabilities that the offering from YML has and the competitive alternatives lack (from the customer’s perspective). Some of the unique attributes of YML are (this is based on what many of our early customers have shared with us):
- YML has the expertise to understand the customer business requirements and translate them into specific digital marketing services required. We can help customers to better articulate their needs. YML has adequate experience and expertise in managing businesses, driving growth and marketing. Most individual freelancers and marketplaces are unlikely to be able to provide this value. An agency can deliver this service but usually at a significantly higher cost and time.
- We have the ability to find the right digital marketing freelancer that matches the customer requirements. How many of us have friends who can refer us to a SEO expert?
- We can put together a team of freelancers for specific digital marketing projects and also manage them.
- YML can not only identify the right freelancer for the customer but also ensure that the freelancer delivers the service as committed.
- Value (and proof): This refers to the benefits that YML can deliver to customers because of the unique attributes that YML has. Some of the key benefits include:
- Get advisory services on the available options for addressing their business requirements
- Better address their business needs through digital marketing
- Identify the right freelancer faster and with lesser effort
- The risk that the freelancer might not deliver as planned is lower
- The customer does not need to search for a freelancer for each of his marketing requirements. YML functions as the customers “digital marketing agency” and addresses all his requirements.
- Target market characteristics: Who are the customers that care a lot about the value that YML is offering? What are the characteristics of a customer that makes them care a lot about our differentiated value? That gave us an idea of who our best-fit customers are. Our understanding of the target market for YML is as follows:
- Small & medium businesses (SMBs)
- with some prior experience with digital marketing
- who rely on online marketing channels for their business growth and driving revenue
- that are experts in their own industries but with little knowledge of marketing
- who might not like to engage with marketing agencies and are open to engaging with freelancers
- Start-ups
- Small & medium businesses (SMBs)
- Market category: The market that YML describes itself as being part of, to help customers understand the unique value offered by YML. This is the market that YML intends to win. We have categorized YML as follows:
- Market Segment for YML: Digital Marketing Services
- Sub-Segment for YML: Digital marketing services for small and medium businesses using freelancers
In addition to the 5 above components of positioning, there is a 6th bonus component – relevant trends.
- Relevant trends: The target customers of YML are interested in these trends. This can help make YML’s offering more relevant to the target customers “right now”. We will focus on trends that are aligned with our offerings and the market category. Some of the key trends for YML include:
- By 2022, digital ad spending in India will exceed that of TV and will become the largest medium. By 2022, digital ad spend will account for 45% of the total ad spend in India.
- SME segment is driving the digital growth.
- India e-commerce sector is expected to reach US$ 111.40 billion by 2025 from US$ 46.20 billion in 2020, growing at a 19.24% CAGR.
- An increasing number of professionals are choosing to work as freelancers. A study by McKinsey shows that around 20% to 30% of professionals in developed markets are engaged in freelance or gig economy. In India, the freelance industry is estimated to grow to $20 to 30 billion by 2025. By 2023, the global gig economy is slated to register a 17% CAGR, reaching a gross volume of around $455 billion. Currently, India ranks fifth in flexi-staffing, following the US, China, Brazil and Japan.
New YML Website Based on Positioning Exercise
Armed with our knowledge of how to position your brand, we set out to redesign the YML website. As an example, we have made the following changes to the YML Home Page:
- YML positioning statement based on the target market characteristics: Still looking for the right digital marketing freelancer?
- Our unique attributes: 80 years of business and marketing experience goes into understanding your requirement and matching you to the right freelancer
- Value (and proof): Testimonial from a delighted customer regarding the value that YML provides: You connected us with the perfect professional at a great price. The project was executed flawlessly. As a small company without the resources to hire a big agency, the service hit the spot.
The updated YML Home Page is shown below.

After Positioning: What Happens Next?
Now that we have a fair understanding of how to position your brand and have got the basic positioning of YML right, what happens next? We will next focus on the following activities:
- Translating YML positioning into a sales story
- Creating a messaging document
- Aligning the product roadmap to positioning
- Aligning pricing to positioning
- Tracking YML positioning over time – preferably every 6 months
Please refer to our earlier blog post on product-market fit.
Positioning can be a powerful strategic tool for businesses. Refer to April Dunford’s post for a quickstart guide to positioning. For those of you who are interested in learning more about positioning, Obviously Awesome by April Dunford is a must read.